Short Questions From Prosody and Meter | English Notes Book

  Prosody is the rhythmic and tonal patterns of speech that convey meaning and emotion. It encompasses elements like stress, intonation, pitch, and tempo. Prosody plays a crucial role in effective communication, enhancing clarity and expression. It helps convey emphasis, sarcasm, or excitement. By employing prosodic features, speakers can captivate listeners, add depth to their message, and create a more engaging and memorable experience.

Short Questions From Prosody and Meter

  Meter refers to the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line of poetry. It establishes the rhythmic structure and musicality of a poem. Common meters include iambic (unstressed-stressed), trochaic (stressed-unstressed), and anapestic (unstressed-unstressed-stressed). Meter adds a sense of order and predictability to poetry, aiding in the creation of memorable and harmonious verses. It contributes to the overall flow and impact of the poem, shaping its tone and mood.

Q. What is prosody? 

Ans - The word prosody comes from the Greek word "prosodia" means 'a song sung to music' . Prosody treats of the laws regulating the structure of verse or lines of poetry . 

        It may therefore , be aptly called 'the grammar of verse' . 

Q. What is Quantity and accent? 

Ans - As music is made up of two elements , time and tune , so also is modulation of speech. Time is expressed by Quantity; and tone or tune is embodied in accent. 

Q . What is Quantity? 

Ans - Quantity consists in the relative duration of different syllables or vowels in the time of utterance. 

Q. What is accent? 

Ans - Accent is a particular stress or effort of the voice on certain syllables of the words , which distinguishes them from the rest by greater distinctness of pronunciation.

Short Questions From Prosody and Meter

Q.what is Rhythm? 

Ans - The word " Rhythm " (Greek word "rhuthmos " from 'rheo' to flow) means the measured movement or musical flow of language. It consists on the idea of a periodic beat.

Q. What is Metre? 

Ans - Meter ( Greek, metron means a measure) may be defined as a specific harmony dispensation of syllables. It consists in the succession of regularly accented groups of syllables called measures. 

Q. Write down the name of prosody or laws of metre? Or How many kinds of metre ? 

Ans - There are five different kinds of prosody. 

Trochaic, Iambic, Dactylic , Anapaestic, Amphibrachic. 

Q. What is called foot? 

Ans -A specific combination of accented and unaccented syllables is called foot. 

Q. What is verse? 

Ans - Verses or lines of poetry are only combinations of the regularly accented groups of syllables which are called measures. 

Q. What are called hypermetrical? 

Ans - verses like these terminating in unscented syllables not required by the metre , are called hypermetrical. 

Example - ón the | hópe-less| fú-ture| pón der- ing . - Burns 

Q. What is known as Rhyme? 

Ans - Rhyme denotes the recurrence of similar sounds in tge closing syllables of different verses. 

Example - Defer not till to-morrow to be wise ;

                 To-morrow's sun to thee may ne'er arise. 

Q. What is called stanzas? 

Ans - some poems are devided into regular sections or divisions , and the combinations of lines forming such divisions are called Stanzas. 

   A stanzas must be clearly distinguished from a paragraph which means a group of sentences expressing a number of closely connected ideas. 

Q. What is known as couplet? 

Ans - Two rhyming lines from a verses form a couplet. 

When a couplet make a complete sense it is often called a distich. 

Example - Eternal smiles his emptiness betray 

        As shallow streams run dumpling all the way. 

Q. What is known as Triplet? 

Ans - Groups of three consecutively rhyming verses are called triplets.

Q. Write down the definition of Quatrain? 

Ans - A stanzas of four lines is also known as Quatrain. 

Q. What is sonnet? 

Ans - The sonnet is a short poem ( generally the concentrated expression of one thought or one emotion) composed of fourteen iambic pentameters with a special arrangement of the rhymes . 

Q. What is origin of Sonnet? 

Ans - sonnet had it's origin in Italy, and was there brought to perfection by Petrarch , Tasso and Dante. 

Q. In English who introduce the Sonnet form? 

Ans - In English Sir Thomas Wyatt and the Earl of Surrey introduced the sonnet form.

Q. How was the Italian sonnet or write down the features of Italian sonnet. 

Ans - The Italian sonnet is composed of two groups, of eight and six lines respectively seperated by a break in the sense . 

The first eight lines of the sonnet is called the octave and the concluding six lines called the sestette. 

Q. What is known as Shakespearen sonnet? 

Ans - The early English sonneters , however found it necessary to make a modification of the rhyme arrangement as the paucity of rhymes in their language for any one word , made it difficult for them to conform strictly to the Italian model. This new model was adopted by Shakespeare and other elizabethian poets. 

  It consists three quatrains followed by a couplet. 

. What does the term Trochaic means? Or from where the term " Trochaic " derives? 

Ans - The term "Trochaic" the word comes from "trecho" meaning I run. 

Q. Write down the definition of Trochaic. 

Ans - In which the accented syllable is followed by an accented one. 

Example - Rí ch the| treá- sure 

                Sweé t the | pleá- sure - Dryden

Q. From where the term iambic derives? 

Ans - The term ' iambic ' derives from ' iapto' means assail . 

Q. Write down the definition of iambic. 

Ans - In which the first syllable is unaccented and the second one is accented. 

Example - At - tést | their j- óy | that h- íll| and va`l | ley ri` ngs | - Milton

Q. What is Ellison? 

Ans - Extra syllables in verses are often avoided by a process known as Ellison. 

Q. What is blank verse? Name some of the best english poem written in blank verse. 

Ans - Blank verse in general refers to any unrhymed verse. However more specifically it refers to unrhymed iambic pentameter verse line. 

A poem is "paradise Lost" written by John Milton . 

Q. Define alliteration? 

Ans - Alliteration means the recurrence of the same letter at the beginning of several words immediately succeeding each other . 

Example - As Austrian army awfully arrayed. 

Q. Define assonance? 

Ans - when in the closing syllables of verses the same vowel sound is followed by different consonant sound we have short of imperfect rhyme which is called assonance. 

Q. What is ballad stanza? 

Ans - Ballad stanza consists essentially of an iambic heptameter couplet . Ballad stanza so called on account of its being used in the old ballads. 

Q. What is elegiac stanza? 

Ans - Elegiac stanza consisting of four heroics or iambic pentameter rhyming alternately. This stanza is so called because it is generally used in elegies. 

Q. What is gay's stanza? 

Ans - The stanza which containing four iambic trimeters rhyming alternately. 

Example - a. 'T was whe'n | the wi' nds | were roa'r | ing 

b . With hollow blasts of wind, 

a A damsel lay deploring 

b. All on a rock reclined.

Q. What is Tennysonan stanza? 

Ans - The stanza which consisting four iambic tetrameters of which the first rhymes with the fourth and the second with the third. 

Q. What is Ottava rima? 

Ans - This is a stanza originally borrowed from Italy consisting of eight heroic verses, six rhyming alternately and the last two in succesion. 

Q. What is sextain? 

Ans - A stanza of six lines called sextain .The most common form of it is illustrated in Wordsworth 'Laodama' which is written in iambic pentameters rhyming in the order of a b a b c c.

Q. What is Spencerian stanza? 

Ans - This stanza was originated with Spensee as it's name signifies consists of eight iambic pentameter followed by an Alexandrian.

   The rhymes in it are in the order of a b a b b c b c c

Q. What is meant by the term casura? 

Ans - Every verse of four or more measures admits of a meteorical pause in or near the middle . This is known as the casura.