Brotherhood Poem Questions and Answers | English Notes Book

Brotherhood Poem Questions and Answers -  The poem 'Brotherhood' is the English translation of the original poem "Hermandad" translated by Eliot Weinberger and it was published in the Octavio paz :-  collected poems in 1987 . The poem is composed as a Homage to Claudius Ptolemy an astronomer and mathematician, living in Rome around 100 A.D. The poem Brotherhood : Homage to claudius Ptolemy written by Octavio Paz (1914 - 1998) who was a Mexican writer of great renown from the twentieth century. Some of his famous works are "The sun stone",  "The Bought and the Liar"( 1956) , "The Labyrinth of solitude" (1963).

Brotherhood Poem Questions and Answers

Brotherhood Poem Questions and Answers

   In this poem of eight lines,the speaker conducts an inquiry upon the insignificance of man as compared to the vastness of universe.The poem is an exposition of the poet's inner thought and realization of the meaning of life in the vast universe. 

  This poem is including in the syllabus of  W. B. C. H. S. E in the class 11 . So here we discuss about some long question and answer.

Give the central idea of the poem  "Brotherhood"  . 
Give the substance of the poem. 
Do you think 'Brotherhood' as a philosophical poem. Illustrate your answer. 
Bring out the poet's attitude towards the power which is enormous as reflected in the poem. 

Ans-  The poem "Brotherhood" by Octavio paz begins with 'I'll   which refers to the poet himself.  According to the being  a very human being. Our life is very short and transient. Death is common to all. After death, our life is unending. Though the poet shows his pessimism at the brief Span of life, he  ends up being optimistic.  Inspired by a religious and philosophical flavor, he feels the stars, over head seem to encourage an inspire us to sing the song of life the stars.  

  However tiny they may appear have their own light and lustre comes to him. He has something to offer the world. In his creation he remains alive. 

  Finally he gains faith in the existence of the Almighty. He is at the apex of great happiness to have thought that as an artist he will survive in the heart of his readers. Despite all his limitations he will enjoyed perfect kingship with God who spells out. He knows all the desires and limitations of the man. 

  Thus the pessimistic Paz is defeated by the optimistic Paz and the poetry has a philosophical one. 

"Unknowing I understand"  - 
a. What is the context. 
b. Describe the interrelation between 'unknowing' and 'understand'  . 
How does the poet understand the unknowing ?

Ans - 

a. "Brotherhood" a translated work by Octavio Paz, the poet himself in his desperate search for the truth says this in the concluding part of the poetry. 

b. Apparently enough 'understanding' is impossible without 'knowing' . But if we go between the lines we would see that the poet has used expression 'unknowing I understand' in an inter related sense. 

  Here the poet explicates that our world is like that of the stars full of call and answers queries and responses. But with the realization of truth by his magic mystery, he non rationally understands that he himself is the poem - the creator and creations fuse one in separable unit. 


Explain how Octavio Paz used images or imagery in the poem "Brotherhood".

Ans -   In the broadest sense the term 'image' or 'imagery' means 'making of likeness' . 

  "Brotherhood" by Octavio Paz is rich in images. This beautiful poem conveys a sense of finitude and death. It implies in process realm of unknown horizon. Octavio Paz view up facing a crisis of identity and responded to the crisis with sharp images and critical awareness. 

The image "night" suggests that the universe that surrounds an individual is enormous like the night sky. Then the image of "Star" suggests that the world of the speaker, like the stars  rhythmically move and shine and write, is a concert of calls and answers.  

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